Tikal Series: Tikal
遊戲名稱: Mexica
設計者: Michael Kiesling & Wolfgang Kramer presents
遊戲時間: 60-90 mins
人數: 2-4 players
年齡: 10+
官網: http://www.riograndegames.com/games.html?id=142
遊戲說明﹙英文﹚: http://www.riograndegames.com/uploads/Game/Game_142_gameRules.pdf
First the players explored Tikal, next they developed Java, and now they can help build Mexica. The Aztec prophesy foretold they would build their home where they found an eagle on a cactus eating a snake. After years of searching they found their eagle on an island in lake Texcoco and there began building a city. Using dams and the natural landscape, they built a city with districts separated by roads of water and connected by many bridges
Tikal Series: Tikal