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2011年3月6日 星期日


遊戲名稱: Amyitis
設計者: Cyril Demaegd presents
遊戲時間: 60-120 mins
人數: 2-4 players
年齡: 12+
官網: http://www.ystari.com/wpe/?cat=3
遊戲說明﹙英文﹚: http://www.ystari.com/amyitis/aidUS.pdf

590BC. Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, marries the magnificent Amyitis, the king of Media’s daughter. But the beauty languishes for the lush vegetation of her land. Nebuchadnezzar wants to have splendid hanging gardens built for her. Now, the city is getting ready to take up the tremendous challenge which will leave an indelible mark for the centuries to come…The players embody noble Babylonians in quest of prestige.All along the game, they strive to raise their status by building gardens and their irrigation network, and by trading and recruiting. At the end of the game, the player with the highest prestige is the winner.

